ࡱ> &(%7  bjbjUU "7|7|l          $n V% % : F     0[ P 0  Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition in which a deficiency of the hormone insulin impairs the body's ability to metabolize sugar. It is one of the most common endocrine (hormonal) diseases of dogs. There are two types of diabetes mellitus in dogs. Type I DM occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin. This can be the result of destruction of the cells in the pancreas that normally produce insulin. This form does not produce enough insulin and requires insulin injections to control the disease. Type II DM occurs when enough insulin is produced but something interferes with its ability to be utilized by the body. Dogs nearly always (99%) have the type I variety. Diabetes mellitus usually affects middle-aged to older dogs of either sex, however it is most common in female dogs (twice as common in females as in males). The peak age seen in dogs is 7 to 9 years. Juvenile-onset diabetes may occur in dogs less than 1 year of age. . Any breed can be affected. Breeds at increased risk for diabetes mellitus include the Australian terrier, Samoyed, Schnauzer (miniature and standard), Bichon frise, Cairn terrier, Keeshond, Spitz, Fox terrier and the Poodle (miniature and standard). Diabetes mellitus leads to an inability of the tissue to utilize glucose. Disease occurs from high blood sugar levels, inadequate delivery of sugar to the tissues and changes in the body metabolism. Risk factors for diabetes mellitus include obesity, recurring pancreatitis, Cushing's disease, and drugs such as glucocorticoids and progestagens that antagonize insulin. What to Watch For Increased thirst Increased frequency of urination Weight loss despite a good appetite Sudden blindness Lethargy Poor body condition -/ @ B*ph5B*\aJph0JB*aJph B*aJphz{. / C T   1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH @`@ Heading 1$@&5B*\aJph<A@< Default Paragraph FontO klink&O& preloadwrap@B@@ Body TextB*CJOJQJaJph333.U@!. Hyperlink >*B*ph8':^@2: Normal (Web)dd[$\$  z{./CT0000000   8@0(  B S  ?W]^c3 ASHRAF GOMAADC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\corona.doc ASHRAF GOMAAEC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\panleuk.doc ASHRAF GOMAACC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\rhino.doc ASHRAF GOMAACC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\rhino.doc ASHRAF GOMAACC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\rhino.doc ASHRAF GOMAAeC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of rhino.asd ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\zoonosis.doc ASHRAF GOMAAhC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of zoonosis.asd ASHRAF GOMAAKC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\Cataracts dog.doc ASHRAF GOMAAEC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\DM dogs.doc@..D..@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial7&  Verdana"qh !x20d2Q~Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland, which is the butterfly-shaped glandular organ located in the neck just belo ASHRAF GOMAA ASHRAF GOMAAOh+'0 ,DP\l    Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland, which is the butterfly-shaped glandular organ located in the neck just beloypo ASHRAF GOMAAm iSHRSHRNormalG ASHRAF GOMAAm i2HRMicrosoft Word 9.0 @0@j[@j[՜.+,0h hp|  G h  Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland, which is the butterfly-shaped glandular organ located in the neck just belo Title  !"#$'Root Entry F0[)1Table WordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPool0[0[  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q