ࡱ> %'$7  bjbjUU "7|7|l"""""""6  6*,,,,,,$a  P"PD""eDDD^""*D*DD*""* `|]6r* **{0*C 4C *D66""""Degenerative joint disease (DJD), or arthritis, affects the smooth articular cartilage of the joint, which is the covering of bone in the joints that is responsible for the smooth, non-painful motion of joints. When it becomes worn, raw bone surfaces become exposed and rub together. DJD is the result, causing pain and lack of joint mobility. DJD can occur over a lifetime of wear or as a result of injury. The soft tissue lining of the joint (synovium) is the first tissue in many animals to be affected in the disease and the subsequent irritation of the joint lining (synovitis) liberates chemical mediators that have been shown to be responsible for cartilage degeneration. Primary cartilage damage can also initiate a cascade of events that result in further cartilage damage and synovial lining inflammation. This results in a vicious cycle of cartilage degeneration, release of degenerative factors and continued cartilage degeneration. Normal cartilage is composed of cartilage cells (chondrocytes) and a supporting substance (matrix) that is produced by the cells. DJD involves the derangement of chondrocyte metabolism and subsequent matrix alteration. What to Watch For Lameness Swollen joints Muscle atrophy Dry crackling sound upon movement of the joint (crepitation) %.$0  B*ph5B*\aJph0JB*aJph B*aJph    1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Fonto klink&o& preloadwrap4B`4 Body Text B*aJph   00000   CL=FVa    ASHRAF GOMAAHC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\Anesthesia.doc ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\hips dog.doc ASHRAF GOMAAhC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of hips dog.asd ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\hips cat.doc ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\CCL dogs.doc ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\CCL cats.doc ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\DJD dogs.doc@tD@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qhOO%!xr02Q4Anesthesia is the total loss of feeling or sensation ASHRAF GOMAA ASHRAF GOMAAOh+'0$ <H d p |5Anesthesia is the total loss of feeling or sensation nes ASHRAF GOMAA thSHRSHRNormalG ASHRAF GOMAA th2HRMicrosoft Word 9.0o@Ik@b|]@b|]%՜.+,0 hp|   h 5Anesthesia is the total loss of feeling or sensation Title  !"#&Root Entry FPE|](1Table WordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPoolPE|]PE|]  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q