ࡱ> $&#7 bjbjUU "7|7|l6666 B uZZZZZZZZ$c  VZZZZZZZ/Z.ZZZRZN \6 E0u  Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a metabolic disorder characterized by excessive, extreme urination, and accompanied by undue thirst. It is either caused by impaired production of a hormone called ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) from the brain (central DI), or an impaired ability of the kidney to respond properly to the ADH (nephrogenic DI). Central DI can occur if there is damage to the part of the brain that makes the ADH. Trauma or cancer would be potential causes of this kind of damage. Most cases are "idiopathic"; in other words, there is no known cause. Nephrogenic (originating from the kidneys) DI is a very rare congenital disorder that also occurs for no known reason. There is no apparent age, gender, or breed predilection for DI. Most cases occur in dogs; cats are rarely affected. As long as dogs with DI have unlimited access to water and are in an environment where excessive urination is not a problem, most dogs do fine and have an excellent life expectancy. What to Watch For Severe, excessive urination Insatiable desire to drink water Stupor, disorientation, lack of coordination, or seizures if a brain tumor is the primary cause /B*CJOJQJaJph5B*\aJph0JB*aJph B*aJph  1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph FontO klink&O& preloadwrap@B@ Body TextB*CJOJQJaJph333.U@!. Hyperlink >*B*ph8':^2: Normal (Web)dd[$\$000000 =H/: ASHRAF GOMAAIC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\hypoT4 dogs.doc ASHRAF GOMAAIC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\hypoT4 cats.doc ASHRAF GOMAAJC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\hyperT4 cats.doc ASHRAF GOMAAlC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of hyperT4 cats.asd ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\cat ears.doc ASHRAF GOMAADC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\DI dog.doc@TDP@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial7&  Verdana"qh馠!xr02Q~Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland, which is the butterfly-shaped glandular organ located in the neck just belo ASHRAF GOMAA ASHRAF GOMAAOh+'0 ,DP\l    Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland, which is the butterfly-shaped glandular organ located in the neck just beloypo ASHRAF GOMAAm iSHRSHRNormalG ASHRAF GOMAAm i2HRMicrosoft Word 9.0 @Ik@\@\՜.+,0h hp|  G h Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland, which is the butterfly-shaped glandular organ located in the neck just belo Title  !"%Root Entry F(\'1Table WordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPool(\(\  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q