ࡱ> #%"7 "bjbjUU "7|7|"lFFFF R jjjjjjjj<>>>>>>$s bjjjjjbjjwjjj<j<<<j^ Ԟ.|]FF<<0<U U <The cranial cruciate ligament is located within the stifle (knee) joint and acts to stabilize the femur on the tibia. The ligament can be torn as a result of an acute traumatic event or more commonly it ruptures due to a slow progressive breakdown of the ligament. When the tear is sudden and complete, lameness may be severe and such that your dog refuses to bear weight on the leg. When the tear is partial or incomplete an intermittent lameness that is more noticeable after heavy exercise may be seen. Your dog may seem more lame on some days than others. In large dogs (greater than 30 pounds), the joint usually becomes arthritic and the joint thickens if surgical stabilization is not performed. What to Watch For Sudden onset of rear limb lameness Gradual onset of lameness in a rear limb !" B*ph5B*\aJph0JB*aJph B*aJph"" 1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Fonto klink&o& preloadwrap" $000""" $ $3!$ ASHRAF GOMAAHC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\Anesthesia.doc ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\hips dog.doc ASHRAF GOMAAhC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of hips dog.asd ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\hips cat.doc ASHRAF GOMAAFC:\Documents and Settings\MOHSEN GOMAA\Desktop\Abbott Web\CCL dogs.doc@!!tD!!"@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qhJJs!x20+2Q4Anesthesia is the total loss of feeling or sensation ASHRAF GOMAA ASHRAF GOMAAOh+'0$ <H d p |5Anesthesia is the total loss of feeling or sensation nes ASHRAF GOMAA thSHRSHRNormalG ASHRAF GOMAA th2HRMicrosoft Word 9.0o@@|]@|]s՜.+,0 hp|   h+ 5Anesthesia is the total loss of feeling or sensation Title  !$Root Entry FE.|]&1Table WordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPoolE.|]E.|]  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q